Linux EDR Detecting Processes Running from Temporary Directory Attack
Linux temp directories are notorious for hosting malware from low-grade to sophisticated. Learn about this threat in the video below, and how to investigate suspicious processes abusing this…
Linux Process Running with Hidden Binary Name Attack
Hidden process binaries on Linux are often malicious. In this video we describe what this attack is, why processes with hidden binaries are usually up to no good, and command line forensics you can…
Linux Process Running from /dev/shm RAM Disk Attack
The Linux RAM disk in /dev/shm is a favorite place for malware to hide. The RAM disk is not frequently checked and is volatile so the malware can be sure it leaves not traces on disk if the system…
Deleted Process Binary Attack on Linux
Malware on Linux will often delete the on-disk binary to evade detection with traditional anti-virus and file integrity monitoring tools. In this video we will discuss the threat and how to find it…
SSH Excessive Keys Risk - Do You Have Too Many SSH Keys?
Do you have too many SSH keys on Linux? Probably. Having too many SSH keys on Linux accounts presents a credential theft and backdoor risk. Besides not knowing who can login with an account that has…
SSH Authorized Keys2 Backdoor Attack
SSH has a little known way to leave behind backdoor keys, and that is by using the deprecated authorized_keys2 file. Many Linux users are unaware of this feature and what risks it poses. In this…