SSH Key Compromise Risks and Countermeasures
When it comes to securing Linux systems, Secure Shell (SSH) has been one of the most dependable tools at a sysadmin's disposal. However, with every technology solution, there are potential pitfalls…
SSH Major Compromise Vector for Linux
Google just released their Cybersecurity Action Team Report for the end of 2022 and it had some interesting findings: More than 1/2 of all incidents involved weak credentials, no credentials, or…
Linux Stealth Rootkit Process Decloaking Tool Updated
Decloaking Linux stealth rootkits that are hiding processes from view is easy with our free tool sandfly-processdecloak which has been updated below: sandfly-processdecloak on Github This free tool…
How To Detect and Decloak Linux Stealth Rootkit Data
Linux stealth rookits have a variety of mechanisms to hide on a host. Aside from standard tactics such as hiding running processes (which we show you how to decloak here), they also can hide data…
Sandfly Linux File Entropy Scanner Updated
Our entropy scanner sandfly-filescan has been updated and renamed to sandfly-entropyscan and now features Linux process scanning to help quickly spot packed and encrypted malware. You can get it…
BPFDoor - An Evasive Linux Backdoor Technical Analysis
Recently Kevin Beaumont revealed a new evasive backdoor targeting Linux associated with the Chinese Red Menshen threat actors. In his article he reveals that this backdoor has been operating globally…