Data Privacy

Your data
is yours.

At Sandfly, we understand the sensitivity of security data and the risks involved in sharing it with external systems. That's why we're designed to operate completely within your own network, even in air-gapped or isolated environments. Your data is yours.

vault door

Key Features & Benefits

Keeping your data and secrets safe.


No outbound telemetry

Sandfly never sends security telemetry data outbound for analysis by our company. All processing happens on systems controlled by the customer.


No third-parties

Sandfly does not send data to any third-party unless explicitly done by the customer (such as for forwarding alerts to an MDR service they use).


Works on air-gapped networks

Sandfly works perfectly fine on air-gapped or other isolated networks. Sandfly does not require any internet access to work. Updates happen with isolated offline mechanisms easily.


No customer data storage

Our company does not hold or process any customer operational data of any sort on our systems. We are not a backdoor way for attackers to gain access to your critical data.


You're in the driver's seat

You decide where your data goes and how it's used. Sandfly gives you to complete ownership and control.

Secure Your Data

Secure your systems privately and fast.

Get A Trial License

Secured in seconds.

Watch how easy it is to get Sandfly up and running with instant deployment on Linux.

Watch the Video

What our customers say

Sandfly is the first product I’ve seen that accurately and quickly detects thousands of signs of compromise on the Linux platform. Its unique method automates tasks which would be manually impossible

Ken Kleiner Senior Security Engineer – Adjunct Faculty Instructor in Digital Forensics University of Massachusetts

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