
Sandfly 1.4.4 – Mind your PIDness

Product Update
September 19, 2018

Sandfly 1.4.4 Update Sandfly 1.4.4 is now released. We have added some new sandflies and broken out an older one to be more granular. Feature list: Sandflies to flag running processes under hidden…

Sandfly Featured in the New Zealand Herald

Product Update
September 12, 2018

Sandfly had a write-up about our company and inspiration: An annoying biting insect from Fiordland. Sandflies Keep Businesses Safe in the New Zealand Herald.

Agentless Incident Response Sandflies and More Stealth Rootkit De-Cloaking: Sandfly 1.4.2 Released

Product Update
September 03, 2018

Sandfly 1.4.2 Update Sandfly 1.4.2 is now released. This version brings back the old “Recon” sandflies as “Incident” sandflies for use for Incident Response (IR) or those wanting to do spot checks on…

De-Cloaking Linux Stealth Rootkits, Whitelisting and UI Updates: Sandfly 1.4 Released

Product Update
August 27, 2018

Sandfly 1.4 has been released. We now have capabilities to de-cloak data being hidden by common Linux loadable kernel module stealth rootkits. This capability works even when they are active and…

Sandfly 1.3 Update

Product Update
July 22, 2018

A new version of Sandfly has been released. Version 1.3 has the following changes: Container OS was switched from Alpine to Ubuntu Minimal for better compatibility and more up to date packages. TLS…

Linux File Masquerading and Malicious PIDs – Sandfly 1.2.6 Update

Product Update
July 04, 2018

Sandfly 1.2.6 Released This version of Sandfly has many internal performance improvements. Some sandfly checks have been sped up over 50%. We have also added a variety of new sandfly checks, some of…