Agentless Incident Response Sandflies and More Stealth Rootkit De-Cloaking: Sandfly 1.4.2 Released
Sandfly 1.4.2 Update Sandfly 1.4.2 is now released. This version brings back the old “Recon” sandflies as “Incident” sandflies for use for Incident Response (IR) or those wanting to do spot checks on…
De-Cloaking Linux Stealth Rootkits, Whitelisting and UI Updates: Sandfly 1.4 Released
Sandfly 1.4 has been released. We now have capabilities to de-cloak data being hidden by common Linux loadable kernel module stealth rootkits. This capability works even when they are active and…
Sandfly 1.3 Update
A new version of Sandfly has been released. Version 1.3 has the following changes: Container OS was switched from Alpine to Ubuntu Minimal for better compatibility and more up to date packages. TLS…
Linux File Masquerading and Malicious PIDs – Sandfly 1.2.6 Update
Sandfly 1.2.6 Released This version of Sandfly has many internal performance improvements. Some sandfly checks have been sped up over 50%. We have also added a variety of new sandfly checks, some of…
Vodafone Selects Sandfly Security for the Xone
Sandfly has been Xone accelerator program . The Xone accelerator selects high potential startups to work directly with Vodafone and their partners to expand into new and exciting markets. It also…
Sandfly 1.1.14 – Linux File Masquerading, Encrypted Malware Detection, and More
The latest Sandfly release has new features for file classification and file entropy scanning. We can now spot files that are trying to masquerade as something they aren’t, and spot files that may be…